Domain names comprise the web address used to access a website. For example, within the address, "" is the domain name.
Domain names come in a variety of extensions (also known as Top Level Domains or TLDs for short). TLDs form the end part of your domain, andcouldincluding .com, .ca, .net, .org, .biz, .info
A domain name, also known as a web address, is actually an alias associated to an IP address.
An IP address consists of numbers which together form the location of a particular website located on a server connected to the Internet.
They work in similar fashion to phone numbers that get designated to phone lines. The reason why domain names were implemented is because they offer branding and are much easier to remember.
For example, it is much easier to remember and type in '' than an IP address consisting of numbers such as '12.343.422.243'.
emails and website, or
just your website.
Before you change the nameservers
Before you change your domain name to point to our server:
Change will usually take between 12 - 48 hours to propagate through the worldwide Internet.
To point just the website service of your domain name to our servers, you need to make the following changes:
This change will take between 2 - 12 hours.
For this, you will need to send us the;
We can setup the alias to act as a copy for both web and mail ie: if you have an email address, and we alias the domain, any emails sent to example@thewebconsole2.comwill be forwarded to
Contact us to arrange the adding of a new alias."This is the best business decision my company could have made.
The support staff is always there to help with everything we need. "
- Jane Jackson
Call us today for your
> 416-822-3232
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